Vietnamese Sour Pho Noodle (Phở Chua) is a cool dish which is interested in summer and winter. This
was only cooked in the party; it now is a daily meal for every people.
Sour Pho is delicious because of the toughness of noodles, the sweet of
pork’s liver, bacon, duck and sausage. It usually is eaten with herbs
and sour sauce.

Vietnamese Sour Pho Noodle (Phở Chua)
There are many style of cooking this.
However, one delicious sour Pho must contains 6 main ingredients:
noodles, sour sauce, pickles, soya sauce, peanuts and Northern
sauce. The noodles are made from rice and by handmade. To have a
delicious noodles, you need to choose the “pink’s rice” which is mostly
planted in the North West area. The sour sauce is taken from the
pickles’ jar.

Vietnamese Sour Pho Noodle (Phở Chua)
most difficult part in cooking this dish is making soya sauce. To have a
tasty soya sauce, you need to collect the soya bean and mash them in
three months. Sometimes the sauce is rotten because the weather and
temperature is not in good condition. Therefore, I think you should buy
one soya sauce when you intend making this.
When the soya sauce is added to this dish, it will have a yellow brown
color like honey. The sour Pho is more delicious if it is eaten with
chilies sauce of the Northern people.

is not sophisticated and classy, but it has bold cultures of Northern
people. On the holiday or festival, the local people usually cook this
dish, so do not miss this dish on these days. The first time I ate this
Pho, I saw it is not delicious, but at the second times I cannot stop
eating two dishes due to it was extremely tasty.

Vietnamese Sour Pho Noodle (Phở Chua)
Sung Ha Ri